The voice of America

Interview with an agent of Curious George Brigade; the interview was made in december 2005 by the CrimethInc. SatisFaction also known as Autonomous Youth Collective.
Smokey from Curious George Brigade visited us on his way to the Balkan. He brought to our library some of CGB’s publications (like the Dinosaur book written on urban anarchism). We spent some time together which was quiet inspiring. On his last day in Budapest we made an interview with him about the following topics: the practical work of CGB, the anarchist activites after the New Orleans disaster, the squattin’ scene in New York, the problematic role of leaders in anarchist groups, folk anarchism etc.
audio version
text version

Interview with an agent of Curious George Brigade; the interview was made in december 2005 by the CrimethInc. SatisFaction also known as Autonomous Youth Collective.
Smokey from Curious George Brigade visited us on his way to the Balkan. He brought to our library some of CGB’s publications (like the Dinosaur book written on urban anarchism). We spent some time together which was quiet inspiring. On his last day in Budapest we made an interview with him about the following topics: the practical work of CGB, the anarchist activites after the New Orleans disaster, the squattin’ scene in New York, the problematic role of leaders in anarchist groups, folk anarchism etc.
audio version
text version