During the last years there has been a slow but steady process of convergence between feminist and green NGOs and groups, partly caused by a love story involving a feminist girl and a green boy. The power of love established the link between the two spheres. But why are these two spheres? Green ideology includes all human rights advocacy, even women's rigths. In principle, feminism should be an integral part of green activity. However, the reality of the Hungarian scene defies the principle. All activists want to make principles reality, and the integration of green and feminist activity should be one of them!
The slow convergence uptil this point involved feminist articles in the local Indymedia website, some common actions and gatherings, and naturally heated discussions among the parties. Feminists say that "the personal is political". The local anarchist groups readily attempted to incorporate feminist principles into their daily workings. Globalisation-critical NGOs, however, seem to have a problem respecting women. When the issue was brought up in one of the leading Hungarian green NGOs, the dominant males of the "eco-political" organisation took it "personal" - as a personal offence. They described attempts by more englightened members to introduce feminist principles as a primitive which-hunting. I think the opposite: they are the ones who are in the dark middle ages (if there was ever such a thing), and think of themselves as God-sent rulers of the land.
All feminists are green, but not all greens are feminists?
On the other hand, the convergence meant little change in the day-to-day life of feminist groups. Green activists were surprised to find that their feminist counterparts are already collecting their garbage selectively, recycle printing paper and so on. The improvement to be desired there is more cooperation with the larger movement and greater breath of society's critique. I believe that both greens and feminists has a great deal to learn from each other, and realise the link that was so evident in the history of both movements, only for some reason underdeveloped in Hungary. I hope that in my next report on the issue I can write about green groups as feminist groups, and feminist groups as anticapitalists.
2006.01.13, Budapest, sitting in a carriage of the undergound train.